When you need money as borrow, you can go first to the best personal loan companies instead of going to the lenders. Because lenders take high-interest rates and inflexible repayment terms that make your loan considerably more costly. But, the personal loan company appeal their salt won’t overwhelm you with fees. They’ll offer a competitive interest rate that must be less than the lenders. So, the personal loans not only save money but come with the minimum interest rate. Besides, they can improve your credit score with every on-time payment as well. Because they offer a fixed borrowing amount, so you can’t add to the balance such as credit cards either this makes it tougher to stay in debt too.
Moreover, many people think they must pay an interest rate of at least 15%, or, 20%. Even, sometimes more as that’s the rate their medical care provider, credit card, or retailer fees. Also, you can refinance your debt to get an interest rate in one digit along with a personal loan as you’ll find out.
The Best Personal Loan Companies in the US
There’s no cause not to apply for a personal loan to the best personal loan companies. Because of this now you can see accurately how much you can save while applying for a personal loan and it’s literally a lot of money. Also, the companies don’t have hidden fees or prepayment penalties and mentioned below offer the lowest interest rates. Although you may still have to pay origination and application fees, you can still easily save thousands of dollars. As it’s compared to carrying a credit card balance or high-interest loans that so many people think borrowing money is “the only way”. Moreover, you’ll notice another trend is that many of the top lenders are not a conventional brick-and-mortar bank.
Okay, let’s know what the best personal loan companies are in the US along with their details.
1. Credible
It’s Credible that’s one of our favorite suggestions. This is because it’s a loan search engine that compares the rates of up to eight lenders at once. In addition, at a below average interest rate, the rates can be as low as 4.99% APR for your personal loans to refinance the credit card debt! Moreover, Credible will also give you a $50 bonus for using this link to apply for your loan to find the lowest interest rate possible. You can also get a $150 bonus from Credible if you have student loans to refinance. By refinancing their student loans, the average Credible user saves $18,688, which is great and a large amount as well!
2. Prosper
Prosper is another larger P2P and one of the best personal loan companies, where you can borrow equally to $35,000. You’ll get here all fixed rate loans that are with either a 3-year or 5-year loan term. Moreover, Prosper also lets you apply for baby and home improvement, adoption loans, small business, and special occasion loans. These come with interest rates starting at 5.99%.to debt consolidation loans. The least you can borrow from Prosper is $2,000 where the other lenders on this list offer smaller borrowing minimums.
3. Even Financial
Because they don’t provide personal loans, Even Financial is unique from most of the other companies listed in this post. Also, they help you search and compare to find the best rates available from many the other lenders. Even Financial is unique from most of the other companies listed in this post because they don’t provide personal loans, rather they help you search and compare to find the best rates available from many different lenders. This tool makes it easy to compare rates all in one convenient location on the Even Financial website. But, some of the lenders you can find on Even Financial are also listed in this post. As it’s a big difference from the 15% (or more) you may be paying on your credit’s credit debt, the rates on personal loans you can find on Even Financial are as low as 4.99%.
4. Lightstream
You can check out LightStream for a rock-bottom 2.49% APR. When you borrow at least $10,000 for a loan term of 24 months to 36 months, you can get offshoot of SunTrust Bank that offers a fixed 2.49% APR to borrowers with excellent credit score (700+). If you buy a new car and is somewhat lower than the industry average for a new car loan, then the low rate is possible. Lightstream is also offering debt consolidation loans for 5.49% APR if you want to consolidate your debt. But, that’s still a savings of 0.50% APR with each payment when you qualify. Because of this Ben Franklin would say, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”
5. LendingClub
LendingClub is the perfect solution if you don’t want to borrow money from a bank. As the peer-to-peer lending (P2P) is a recent phenomenon in the finance industry and the private investors lend directly to borrowers. You can skip the traditional bank loan application process so as to be only made a loan more expensive. LendingClub can deliver you a lower interest rate (currently as low as 5.99%) and also increase your approval chances while cutting out the bank. It comes with the offers of the fixed-rate personal loans up to $40,000 for either 60 months (5 years) or 36 months (3 years). It performs a soft inquiry so your credit score will not be affected by the loan application when you apply and it takes about seven days to complete the process. It’s suitable for the small business loans, personal loans, and auto refinancing.
6. Earnest
Earnest uses “deep data” to get you the minimum interest possible Instead of solely relying on your credit report to approve or deny your loan application. These include your income potential, job history, college experience, and patterns of saving. Getting a quote from Earnest can be time well-spent if some of the other lenders have turned you down. This is because of having little to no credit history. The Earnest comes with the fixed rate and changeable rate loans with interest rates. Those are lower than 5.25% for fixed loans and 2.57% APR for a variable changeable rate. You only have up to three years to repay the balance that’s why Earnest delivers such a low-interest rate. But, you can choose a different lender when you need more than three years to pay off your loan.
7. Sofi
Sofi is one of best personal loan companies because of their low-interest rates and liberal lending terms. You can borrow between $5,000 and $100,000 for up seven years with a fixed interest rate as low as 5.49% APR with their personal loans. So, as SoFi offers unemployment protection that temporarily pauses the payments. But, it’s until you find a new job you will never need to use this benefit. Where lenders require you to continue making the minimum monthly payment regardless of your employment status this benefit is unheard of for private loans. Actually, the only similar advantage is a tolerance request with your federal student loans. And, it allows you to pause the payments penalty-free.
You can borrow money from SoFi for:
- Medical resident student loan refinancing
- Student loan refinancing
- Personal loans
- Home mortgages
8. LendKey
LendKey not only offer the student loans but student loan refinancing as well. However, before acting as an actual lender, it’s the bridge between credit unions and borrowers and community banks who want to refinance the debt their student loan. You can get rates as low as 2.58% variable APR, or 3.15% fixed APR when you sign up for autopay with LendKey. It won’t harm your credit to shop rates on LendKey’s website because there’s no loan origination fee.
9. Upstart
Upstart is perfect for the young professionals with minimal credit history. They come with the personal loans from $1,000 to $50,000 in 3 and 5 years repayment terms to merge your credit card debt along with the student loans, personal expenses, and starting a business. You’ll receive the money the next day once Upstart approves your application. Upstart has funded more than $1.4 billion in loan requests since launching in 2014.
10. Best Egg
Another top among the best personal loan companies is the Best Egg. It offers next-day deposit once they approve your application. Moreover, it comes with the fixed rates are as low as 5.99% with a 3 to 5 years loan term. Besides, they offer personal loans up to $35,000. It’s important to know they have an A+ Better Business Bureau rating if this is the first time you’ve ever heard about Best Egg. You can easily qualify for a loan if you have a small balance of $2,000 minimum borrowing requirement.
So, these were all about the best personal loan companies of 2018. Add in the comment if we have left anything. Or, if you have an experience, share it with our readers. So, they can know more about the Personal loan,
Personal loan rates etc.